Schoharie County Digital Marketing Grant
Maximize digital strategies to stabilize and grow your business
Create a website or a more functional one, & to utilize e-commerce platforms
Learn more about various social media techniques to better engage your customers
Schoharie County Government and SEEC have secured a significant grant that will be re-granted to local businesses enabling the hiring of digital strategists, content creators and technicians providing services direct to your business.
Application is currently closed, projects underway!
If approved, the Digital Strategy Team will:
- Assess your current knowledge and use of social media and e-commerce platforms
- Help shape a scope of work leading to a tailored digital marketing strategy for your business
- Assist in matching your business with professional digital strategy services to undertake the project
- Provide a “Grant Agreement” for your business so we may pay for the eligible services
Program Brief:
The Schoharie County Digital Strategies Initiative is a resiliency-based, proven and data supported means to add value to local enterprises. Modeled after national programs, SEEC has initiated this Direct to Business (D2B) effort in response to the Coronavirus. D2B will increase small business access to professional technology services and improve use of digital tools for economic stability and growth.
The program is organized to make grant awards direct to your business that will enable the hiring of digital strategists, content creators and technicians as well as pay for COVID-related expenses. Our goal is to award 75% of each grant toward designing and implementing business specific digital marketing strategies. Grant amounts will be determined based upon scope of work not to exceed thresholds per number of employees, as follows:
Number of Employees, FTE* | Grant Potential
Less than 5 | $25,000
5-9 | $35,000
10-19 | $45,000
20-25 | $65,000
More than 25 | Ineligible
*Full-time equivalent employees (FTE) equal 40 hours per week. Multiple part-time employees may be added together to total 40 hours per week.
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