Resource Roundtable – Energy Efficiency: Rebates, Incentives, and Credits
Join SEEC, Mohawk Valley Economic Development District, Inc. (MVEDD) and the Schoharie County Office for Agricultural Development for a dynamic conversation about how you can save money through rebates, incentives, and credits for farmers, agri-businesses, small businesses, homeowners, landlords, and renters. Amanda Kaier, Clean Energy Community Coordinator from MVEDD, will lead the discussion about how you can take advantage of these programs to maximize your savings and learn more about incentives for upgrades!
Whether you are buying LED lightbulbs, are looking to make improvement to your heating and cooling systems, or even just want to take advantage of discount programs for energy bills, these programs have something for everyone. Additionally, Schoharie County’s Nickolas Kossmann, Development Specialist for Agricultural Business, will be on hand to assist with specific agricultural related questions to ensure farms and agri-businesses are able to connect to the right programs that meet their unique needs.
This event will be hybrid, so you can attend via Zoom or join us in person at 287 Main!