Invest in Schoharie

Schoharie County is a land of rich soils, robust traditions, generations of pioneers and community resources that may help redefine your wealth. Just ask The Radical Homemaker, her latest book authored from a local homestead sets the tone for a treasured and perhaps elusive lifestyle of the 21st century. But, don’t let living among our working landscapes fool you into believing our portfolio is limited. We are bullish on the investment opportunities in Schoharie County. Just ask our business leaders at Fenimore, MIDTEL and Sterling.

  • Village centers offer Main Streets with historic character, in fact, Schoharie County has six Villages with eight different eligible historic districts having more than 500 buildings that may be listed on the National Registry and tax credit improvements eligible
  • NY State Route 7 and Interstate-88 Commercial & Industrial Corridor offers 60+ potential sites for development with easy access to transportation routes, labor pool and infrastructure
  • Opportunity Zones have been designated in Cobleskill and Sharon Springs, two communities that have a foothold on past and present. Founded in 1911, SUNY Cobleskill is now leading agriculture advancements in emerging clean energy technologies. Incorporated in 1871, the Village of Sharon Springs is one of three “Spa Towns” that still has access to flowing sulphur, magnesia and chalybeate healing waters maintaining a proud identity of ethnicity and social tradition. Magnificent large hotels and forest-like parks graced the village landscape during the second half of the 19th Century a time when Sharon Springs was home to more than sixty hotels and rooming houses accommodating over 10,000 visitors each summer. Today, both Cobleskill and Sharon Springs offer real estate investment opportunities and community development projects that are ripe for investment and rejuvenation.


SEEC and its economic development alliance can provide invaluable support to assist in site selection, identifying the right location for your business. We may provide critical assistance such as responding to Requests for Information (RFIs), arranging consultant field visits, sharing knowledge about our area’s resources for pertinent projects and engaging in efforts to continuously improve the area’s capability to sustain the operational needs of varied businesses, beyond the real estate.

Coming soon is a searchable list of industrial and commercial sites that the local leadership has run through a “site suitability analysis” as well as balanced the list with a local “gut check” to be sure your business does not waste time and money on a site in which the community may resist development.

Please contact our office so we may discuss site options and steer your investment toward an appropriate location: (518) 517-1700.

Featured properties: 

The Adler, Village of Sharon Springs, NY Ready for Rejuvenation, former luxury resort Opportunity Zone and Brownfield Tax Incentives Available.

Learn More About The Adler & Recreation

STEAM 157, Village of Schoharie, NY Ready for Reform, former public safety facility County-owned offering unique Community Benefit Incentives.

Learn More About STEAM 157

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