Feb. 17, 2021
Seminars about improving business rarely live up to expectations. A Schoharie County audience often finds an out-of-town speaker can’t relate to rural conditions here. But if the speakers are from Schoharie County itself, value increases a great deal. That’s what the Schoharie Economic Enterprise
Corporation and the Schoharie County Chamber of Commerce believe. We agree. SEEC and the Chamber are producing a Zoom conference on Tuesday the 23rd, with the aim to aid businesses whipsawed by the pandemic. Speakers will be Josh Loden of the Apple Barrel, Chris Guldner of the Bull’s Head Inn, Jacqui Hauser of The Studio for Art and Craft, and Carrie Edsall of Black Willow Farm. Although all four saw their businesses hurt by the pandemic, all four also found ways to survive by using different strategies to connect customers with their products. Much of this was through vigorous online efforts, but they also redoubled their efforts in customer service, deliveries, sales and more. These business people took the hand they were dealt and made the most of it. Just as important, we know them. They’re not city hotshots who have more resources than business people here, and they’re not high faulting types with big bankrolls to carry them through hard times. They’re us. “What’s really wonderful about this is that these are our business people,” said SEEC’s Julie Pacatte. “They’re great resources.” In a word, these speakers are believable because we know them and their businesses. And they’re willing to help by offering advice and encouragement. This is just one more example of SEEC and the Chamber switching from standard operations to more immediate concerns. And other than health, few concerns are greater than helping businesses survive this pandemic and the economic downturn it generated. This
is valuable stuff put together by organizations we know and delivered by local experts we trust. Anyone even remotely––pardon the pun––interested
should connect to this session at 9am Tuesday. Register on the Chamber’s website, SchoharieChamber.com. Have faith in local experts who are also friends and neighbors.